Dr. Surendar Singh

Specialist Internal Medicine

MD Internal Medicine

Speciality : Internal Medicine
Language : English, Hindi, Punjabi
Experience : 24 Years

Good clinical skills: I have a vast experience in handling all types of internal medicine emergencies, indoor and outdoor patient department, various diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including hemodialysis & peritoneal dialysis.

Good teaching experience: I was involved in various departmental academic activities including presenting seminars, difficult case discussions, bedside teaching and taking lectures for under-graduate and post-graduate students.

  • Diabetes
  • Infectious Disease
  • Respiratory Disease
  • Critical care
  • Internal Medicine Emergencies


  • Certificate course in Intensive care in Diabetes, MOH Oman
  • Post Graduate diploma in Diabetes from Cardiff university UK


  • KS Anand, S Singh. Unusual MRI Findings in young onset Parkinson’s disease. Neurology India 45, 273-274, 1997.
  • A Biswas, S Singh. Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy with slow eye movements and peripheral neuropathy- Wadra Type: JAPI Vol 45 No. 10, 812-813, 1997.
  • S Dwivedi, S Singh. Exercise smoking associated with premature ageing and heart disease. South Asian Journal of preventive cardiology. Vol 1, No. 3 , 138-139, 1997.
  • KS Anand, S Singh. Seizure, mental retardation and abnormal cranial CT in child. Post Graduate journal of medicine. 49-51, 1997.
  • MP Agarwal, S Singh. Non Traumatic Subdural Hematoma in a hemophilic child. JIMI Vol 5, No. 3 144-145, 2002.
  • MP Agarwal, S Singh. Platelet abnormalities in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. Tropical Doctor, 33, 110-111, 2003.
  • Sanjay Kalra,A. K. Das, Surender Singh et al: Euthymia in Diabetes: Clinical Evidence and Practice-Based Opinion from an International Expert Group” Diabetes Therapy June 2019, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp 791–804
  • Sanjay Kalra,A. K. Das, Surender Singh et al: Glucocrinology of Modern Sulfonylureas: Clinical Evidence and Practice-Based Opinion from an International Expert Group: Diabetes Therpy. 2019 Oct;10(5):1577-1593

Certificate course in Intensive care in Diabetes, MOH Oman
Post Graduate diploma in Diabetes from Cardiff university UK


(a) KS Anand, S Singh. Unusual MRI Findings in young onset Parkinson’s disease. Neurology India 45, 273-274, 1997.

(b) A Biswas, S Singh. Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy with slow eye movements and peripheral neuropathy- Wadra Type: JAPI Vol 45 No. 10, 812-813, 1997.

(c) S Dwivedi, S Singh. Exercise smoking associated with premature ageing and heart disease. South Asian Journal of preventive cardiology. Vol 1, No. 3 , 138-139, 1997.

(d) KS Anand, S Singh. Seizure, mental retardation and abnormal cranial CT in child. Post Graduate journal of medicine. 49-51, 1997.

(e) MP Agarwal, S Singh. Non Traumatic Subdural Hematoma in a hemophilic child. JIMI Vol 5, No. 3 144-145, 2002.

(f) MP Agarwal, S Singh. Platelet abnormalities in patients with hepatic cirrhosis. Tropical Doctor, 33, 110-111, 2003.

(g) Sanjay Kalra,A. K. Das, Surender Singh et al :Euthymia in Diabetes: Clinical Evidence and Practice-Based Opinion from an International Expert Group” Diabetes Therapy June 2019, Volume 10, Issue 3, pp 791–804

(h) Sanjay Kalra,A. K. Das, Surender Singh et al :Glucocrinology of Modern Sulfonylureas: Clinical Evidence and Practice-Based Opinion from an International Expert Group: Diabetes Therpy. 2019 Oct;10(5):1577-1593


(a) MP Agarwal, S Singh. Hemostatic functions in patients of hepatic cirrhosis. JAPI Vol 48, No. 1-86, 2000.

(b) MP Agarwal, S Singh. Effects of Vitamin ‘K’ on Prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time in Hepatic Cirrhosis. JAPI Vol 49, 130, 2001.


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